LLM Code Generation Cheatsheet for GoatDB

Enhance Generative AI Performance with GoatDB

This cheatsheet is designed to help Large Language Models (LLMs) generate high-quality, efficient code for GoatDB-powered React applications. By leveraging GoatDB’s synchronous API, LLMs can produce more predictable and optimized code with minimal complexity.

How to Use This Cheatsheet for LLM Code Generation

  1. Copy this entire cheatsheet.
  2. Paste it as context before your actual AI code generation prompt.
  3. Provide your specific code generation request after the cheatsheet.
[Paste cheatsheet here]

Based on the above, generate a React component that displays a list of tasks with the following requirements:
- Show task title and completion status
- Allow marking tasks as complete
- Sort by creation date

Why GoatDB Improves AI Code Generation

Optimized for Large Language Models

1. Synchronous API for Simplified AI Reasoning

GoatDB eliminates complexities that often confuse LLMs, such as:

  • Async/await pitfalls: No need for handling asynchronous execution.
  • State synchronization: LLMs can directly manipulate state without fetching logic.
  • Race conditions: Predictable execution order eliminates common concurrency issues.
Code Comparison

With GoatDB (Synchronous Execution)

const task = useItem(path);
task.set('done', true); // Direct state update

Traditional Approach (Asynchronous Execution)

try {
  await fetch(...);
  await refetchData();
} catch (err) { ... }

2. AI-Friendly Code Patterns for Better LLM Output

  • Reduced Error Handling Complexity: Status checks replace try/catch logic.
  • Deterministic Execution: More predictable code paths enhance AI reliability.
  • Less Context Needed: LLMs can focus on core business logic instead of network or state management.

3. Faster and More Accurate AI-Assisted Development

GoatDB allows LLMs to efficiently generate complex, data-driven applications by removing redundant decision points. This enables AI models to produce:

  • Cleaner, more readable code
  • Fewer logic errors
  • Optimized, high-performance components

LLM Code Generation Workflow with GoatDB

Traditional AI Development Challenges: LLMs must reason about:

  • Database queries and connections
  • State management solutions
  • Cache invalidation strategies
  • Handling loading states
  • Error boundaries
  • Complex data fetching logic

GoatDB-Powered AI Development: LLMs only need to:

  1. Define the schema.
  2. Use GoatDB hooks for data management.
  3. Focus on business logic and UI.

Conclusion: Why GoatDB is the Best Choice for AI-Assisted Development

By simplifying state management, reducing API complexity, and ensuring predictable execution, GoatDB dramatically enhances AI-generated code quality. LLMs using GoatDB can focus purely on business logic and UI, leading to faster, more accurate, and more efficient AI-assisted development.

GoatDB Cheatsheet

    path_format: '/type/repoId/itemKey'
      - "Entire repo: '/data/tasks'"
      - "Specific item: '/data/tasks/123'"

    versioning_commit_graph: 'Append-only, signed commit graph (like Git) for auditability and migrations.'
      central_server: 'Authenticates nodes and supplies partial commit histories.'
      edge_nodes: 'Handle local state, computation, and real-time sync.'
    real_time_synchronization: 'Syncs state changes up to  per second using a Bloom Filter–based protocol.'
      servers_native_clients: 'Append-only log file.'
      browsers: 'Use OPFS; fallback to IndexedDB.'
      note: 'Clients maintain local replicas for offline work and debugging.'

      purpose: 'Initialize or retrieve the default GoatDB instance.'
      usage: 'const db = useDB();'
      purpose: "Check the DB initialization status: 'loading', 'ready', or 'error'."
      usage: |
        const dbStatus = useDBReady();
        if (dbStatus === 'loading') return <LoadingScreen />;
        if (dbStatus === 'error') return <ErrorScreen message='DB load failed' />;
        return <MainApp />;
      purpose: 'Query a repository with filtering, sorting, limits, and context-triggered re-renders.'
        schema: 'Schema definition.'
        source: "Repository path (e.g., '/data/tasks')."
        predicate: 'Optional filter function.'
        sortBy: 'Optional sort function.'
        ctx: 'Extra context.'
        limit: 'Result handling.'
        showIntermittentResults: 'Result handling.'
      usage: |
        const tasksQuery = useQuery({
          schema: taskSchema,
          source: '/data/tasks',
          sortBy: (a, b) => a.get('text').localeCompare(b.get('text')),
          predicate: (item) => !item.get('done'),
          showIntermittentResults: true,
      purpose: 'Subscribe to a specific item for live updates.'
        direct_path: "const item = useItem('/data/tasks/123', { keys: ['text'] });"
        separate_repo_and_itemKey: "const item = useItem(opts, '/data/tasks', '123');"
      existence_check: |
        if (cell.schema.ns !== null) {
          // The item exists.

    schema_structure: 'A plain object with: ns (namespace), version, and fields (type, required flag, default value, optional upgrade logic).'
    registering_schemas: 'Use SchemaManager (e.g., via SchemaManager.default) to register your schemas.'
    example_task_schema: |
      // schema.ts
      import { SchemaManager } from '@goatdb/goatdb';

      // Supported field types:
      // - string: Text values
      // - number: Numeric values
      // - boolean: True/false values
      // - date: DateTime values
      // - set: Unordered collection of unique values
      // - map: Key-value pairs
      // - richtext: Formatted text content
      // Note: Arrays are not supported - use Set instead
      export const kSchemaTask = {
        ns: 'task',
        version: 1,
        fields: {
          text: { type: 'string', required: true },
          done: { type: 'boolean', default: () => false },
          metadata: { type: 'map', default: () => new Map() },
      } as const;

      export type SchemaTypeTask = typeof kSchemaTask;

      export function registerSchemas(
        manager: SchemaManager = SchemaManager.default,
      ): void {

      purpose: 'Create a new task using useDB().'
      code: |
        // src/Header.tsx
        // @deno-types="@types/react"
        import React, { useRef } from 'react';
        import { useDB } from '@goatdb/goatdb/react';
        import { kSchemaTask } from '../schema.ts';

        export function Header() {
          const db = useDB();
          const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
          return (
              <input type='text' ref={ref} />
                onClick={() => {
                  db.create('/data/tasks', kSchemaTask, { text: ref.current!.value });
      purpose: 'Subscribe to a task using useItem() for live updates.'
      code: |
        // src/TaskItem.tsx
        // @deno-types="@types/react"
        import React from 'react';
        import { useItem } from '@goatdb/goatdb/react';
        import { SchemaTypeTask } from '../schema.ts';

        export type TaskItemProps = { path: string };

        export function TaskItem({ path }: TaskItemProps) {
          const task = useItem<SchemaTypeTask>(path);
          if (!task) return <div>Loading...</div>;

          return (
                onChange={(e) => task.set('done', e.target.checked)}
                onChange={(e) => task.set('text', e.target.value)}
                onClick={() => {
                  task.isDeleted = true;
              <button onClick={() => task.downloadDebugGraph()}>
                Download Commit Graph
      purpose: 'List tasks using useQuery() with filtering and sorting.'
      code: |
        // src/Contents.tsx
        // @deno-types="@types/react"
        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        import { useQuery } from '@goatdb/goatdb/react';
        import { kSchemaTask } from '../schema.ts';
        import { Header } from './Header.tsx';
        import { TaskItem } from './TaskItem.tsx';

        export function Contents() {
          const [showChecked, setShowChecked] = useState(true);
          const query = useQuery({
            schema: kSchemaTask,
            source: '/data/tasks',
            sortBy: ({ left, right }) =>
            predicate: ({ item, ctx }) => !item.get('done') || ctx.showChecked,
            showIntermittentResults: true,
            ctx: { showChecked },

          return (
              <Header />
                <span>Show Checked</span>
                  onChange={(e) => setShowChecked(e.target.checked)}
              {query.results().map(({ path }) => (
                <div key={path}>
                  <TaskItem path={path} />
      purpose: 'Wait for DB readiness using useDBReady() before rendering.'
      code: |
        // src/App.tsx
        // @deno-types="@types/react"
        import React from 'react';
        import { useDBReady } from '@goatdb/goatdb/react';
        import { Contents } from './Contents.tsx';

        export function App() {
          const ready = useDBReady();
          if (ready === 'loading') return <div>Loading...</div>;
          if (ready === 'error') return <div>Error! Please reload.</div>;
          return <Contents />;

    paths: 'Use /type/repoId/itemKey (e.g., /data/tasks for a repo, /data/tasks/123 for an item).'
      useDB: 'to create/retrieve the DB instance.'
      useDBReady: "to check if the DB is 'loading', 'ready', or 'error'."
      list_queries: 'useQuery({ source: <path>, ... })'
      single_item: 'useItem(<path>) (check existence with cell.schema.ns !== null)'
    schema_and_registration: 'Define schemas (with ns, version, and fields) and register them using SchemaManager.'
    deno_style_imports: |
      Always include file extensions (e.g., .ts, .tsx) and, for third-party libraries, use URLs.
      // @deno-types="@types/react"
      import React from 'react';

      magic_link_flow: |
        1. User enters email
        2. System sends magic link email
        3. User clicks link to complete login
        4. Session automatically attaches to user account
      code_example: |
        // Login.tsx
        function Login() {
          const db = useDB();
          const [emailSent, setEmailSent] = useState(false);

          const handleLogin = async (email) => {
            if (await db.loginWithMagicLinkEmail(email)) {

      description: 'Clears local data and reloads page on browsers.'
      code_example: |
        const handleLogout = async () => {
          await db.logout();
          // Browser auto-reloads after logout

      server_configuration: |
        // server.ts
        const server = new Server({
          // ... other config ...
          autoCreateUser: (info) => {
            // Examples:

            // Allow all registrations:
            return true;

            // Restrict to company domain:
            return info.email?.endsWith('@company.com') ?? false;

            // Restrict to allowlist:
            const allowedEmails = ['user1@example.com', 'user2@example.com'];
            return info.email ? allowedEmails.includes(info.email) : false;

      check_login_status: 'db.loggedIn returns true if user is authenticated.'
      get_current_user: 'db.currentUser returns the user item if logged in.'
      get_current_session: 'db.currentSession returns the active session.'
      code_example: |
        function AuthGuard({ children }) {
          const db = useDB();
          const ready = useDBReady();

          if (ready === 'loading') return <LoadingScreen />;
          if (!db.loggedIn) return <Login />;
          return children;

    basic_pattern: |
      // Register auth rules using path patterns and rule functions
      schemaManager.registerAuthRule('/data/todos', (db, repoPath, itemKey, session, op) => {
        // Return true to allow access, false to deny
        return session.owner === itemKey || op === 'read';

      owner_only: |
        // Only allow access to item owner
        (db, repoPath, itemKey, session) => session.owner === itemKey

      read_public_write_owner: |
        // Public read, owner-only write
        (db, repoPath, itemKey, session, op) => op === 'read' || session.owner === itemKey

      team_access: |
        // Team-based access using metadata
        (db, repoPath, itemKey, session) => {
          const item = db.get(repoPath, itemKey);
          return item?.get('teamId') === session.get('teamId');

      exact_path: "'/data/todos'"
      regex_pattern: '/^\/data\/teams\/[^/]+\/items\//g'

    rule_execution: 'Rules are evaluated in registration order. First matching rule determines access.'